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The park offers services to make my visit easier: baby-switch, lockers, automatic cash desk...

park services


Fast Pass

Le parc propose 2 types de coupe-file : le 4xPass et le Full Pass.
Disponible à l'achat sur notre site internet (produit daté) ou en caisse du parc.

Shooting publicitaire Walibi saison 2021-2022


You can leave your personal belongings in a locker at the park entrance, for €5.00 (small) or €8.00 (large). Payment by credit card only. 


Smart purchase

Make your purchases before 4pm and collect them from the park exit before you leave.
For more information, please ask our store staff.

Lost and found

Go to the park reception desk to fill in a loss report form.

If you think you've lost a personal item in the park after your visit, please write to, giving your telephone number, the date of your visit, a brief description of the lost item and the last known location.

automatic cash desk

Two automatic cash desks are available in the entrance area of the park to buy your admission ticket, avoiding the queue at the cash desk. Payment by credit card only.

Shooting publicitaire Walibi saison 2021-2022

Photo point

There are 6 photo points in the park, located at the exits of the following attractions: Timber, WoodStock Express, Generator, Bambooz River, Coccinelle and Mystic!

They'll give you unforgettable memories of your time on these attractions!

Le Totem


Find out more about welcoming people with disabilities on the dedicated page.

Shooting publicitaire Walibi saison 2021-2022

Automatic dispenser

It is located between the access control and the main store, and is indicated on the park's map panels and application. 

Tiki Academy

First aid

Visitors can be treated quickly and effectively at the first-aid post opposite Tam Tam Aventure.

Shooting publicitaire Walibi saison 2021-2022

Celebrating my birthday at Walibi

I discover the birthday package for children up to 12 years old.

Read more

Family services

Baby Switch

If your child isn't tall enough for the ride, take the queue as a family and ask the ride operator.

You can take it in turns to ride the attraction without joining the queue, so that your child, who is too small for the entry requirements, is always under the supervision of a responsible adult.

Pregnant women

Admission to Walibi Rhône-Alpes is €20 for pregnant women, upon presentation of proof of pregnancy. For safety reasons, some attractions are closed to expectant mothers. To avoid being refused access to certain attractions, we strongly advise you to read the pictograms at the entrance to each attraction. 

Carnawaaal à Walibi Rhône-Alpes

Lost children

Lost children are immediately taken to the reception desk at the park entrance. We recommend that you leave your child's contact details with us to avoid any unnecessary fright.

Identification bracelets are available on request on arrival at the park reception desk.

Shooting publicitaire Walibi saison 2021-2022

Changing your baby's diaper

At the toilets on the Timber level, opposite the Golden Burger restaurant, the Quartier Vaudou and the entrance esplanade.

Bienvenue à Walibi Rhône-Alpes Zones-2021


Some of our restaurants (Golden Burger, Jazz Sugar Club, Quai 38, Wild Rock Café) are equipped with self-service microwaves, allowing you to reheat food for your infants.

Carnawaaal à Walibi Rhône-Alpes

Stroller rental

Strollers are available from the park entrance store (rental €7 + €20 deposit (returned at the end of the day)). 

Do you have any questions?

Find out all the frequently asked questions in our FAQ section!

  • Sur les 34 attractions et spectacles du parc, 12 attractions et 2 spectacles sont accessibles aux moins de 90 cm accompagnés. Les enfants de moins de 90cm ont accès aux attractions suivantes sur le parc et ce obligatoirement accompagnés d’un adulte : TamTam Aventure, Melody Road, Carrousel, Festival Station, MonORail, W.A.B Band Tour, Volt-O-Vent, Balloon Race, Les P'tits Chaudrons, l'Aire de Jeux Festival City, l'Aire de Jeux Explorer Adventure et l'Aire de jeux Exotic.

    7 attractions sont accessibles à partir de 90cm accompagné d'un adulte : Tiki Academy, Surf Music, La Coccinelle, On Air, Gold River, Dock'N Roll et Le Petit Vapeur. Le Concert'O et La Chevauchée sont accessibles aux enfants seuls mesurant plus de 90 cm. Bambooz River est accessible à partir de 1m accompagné par un adulte.

    Seules 4 attractions à sensations requièrent une taille minimum de 1m30 (Mystic, Le Totem, Generator et Le Galion), 3 attractions une taille minimum de 1m20 (Mahuka, Woodstock Express et Hurricane), 1 attraction une taille minimum de 1m05 (Airboat) et enfin 1 attraction dont la taille minimum requise est de 1m10 (Timber). Ces attractions sont aussi soumises à des critères de corpulence afin de garantir le bon fonctionnement des systèmes de sécurité.

    Nous vous invitons à consulter notre page attractions afin de connaître les conditions d'accès de chacune d'entre elles.

  • Oui, deux aires de pique-nique aménagées sont à votre disposition, l'une à proximité de l'entrée et l'autre à l'intérieur du parc.
    Attention, les glacières, les couteaux pointus ainsi que le verre ne sont pas autorisés à l'intérieur de notre enceinte.
    Vous pouvez sortir du parc puis y entrer de nouveau, un tampon sera mis sur votre poignet.

Walibi Rhône-Alpes

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Access the park map and wait times for our attractions during your visit.